Android 16 developer preview
Google drops first Android 16 developer preview Google has unveiled the first developer preview of Android 16 earlier than anticipated, marking a departure from its traditional timeline. Historically, the tech titan has released the initial developer previews for its mobile operating system in February, followed by a stable release in the second half of the year. Android 16 is a departure from the pattern – the stable version is now scheduled for release in the second quarter of 2025. “We’re planning the major release a quarter earlier (Q2 rather than Q3 in prior years) to better align with the schedule of device launches across our ecosystem, so more devices can get the major release of Android sooner. With the major release coming in Q2, you’ll need to do your annual compatibility testing a few months earlier than in previous years to make sure your apps are ready,” Matthew McCullough, Google’s VP of product management for Android Developer ecosystem, commented in...